If you face criminal charges in New Jersey, there is a lot at stake. Even minor offenses carry harsh penalties and can hamper your ability to find work in the future. Serious felonies can result in decades-long prison sentences.
When the stakes are high, it is important to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney. For more than 10 years, William Oake, has been resolving cases involving serious, as well as minor, criminal charges for people in Morris and Sussex Counties. We are the local law firm with a strong criminal defense representation.
We have handled hundreds of criminal cases ranging from minor criminal mischief allegations to defending people charged in complex organized crime matters. We handle all aspects of criminal motion practice, from pre-trial detention, pre-indictment through jury trial and post-disposition filings and arguments.
Drug crimes: Including possession, distribution, trafficking and cultivation/manufacturing of all types of illegal drugs and prescription drugs.
Violent crimes:
Sex crimes:
Theft and shoplifting:
Juvenile cases:
We use an array of experienced private investigators and forensic experts when necessary to ensure that a proper defense is prepared. Our legal team builds solid legal strategies that successfully achieve the best possible outcomes for our client's case, including dismissal or having the charges lowered to be resolved in municipal court.
In New Jersey, the Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI) program is available to first-time offenders of certain crimes. If you are accepted into the PTI program and complete its requirements, your case will be dismissed. The arrest will remain on your record, but six months after completing the program, you may petition for an expungement.
To be accepted in PTI, you cannot have been convicted of a crime before or participated in a diversionary program. The PTI program lasts a minimum of one year, during which you must comply with all of the requirements, which include staying out of criminal trouble, passing drug and alcohol tests and performing community service.
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